What do Hot Showers Have to Do With Enlightenment?

Oh Boy, I Sure Do Like a Hot Shower!

And there's nothing evil about liking hot showers. Or running the water in the sink, or leaving the lights on, or driving a car.

I'm well aware of the environmental costs. I'm acutely aware of them. It drives me nuts that I live in a society that continues to function this way.

The "greatest country in the world" is holding itself (and the rest of the world) back from using technology that could only bring about a state of social enlightenment with a stone-age agenda to plunder and dominate.

There currently exists technology that could replace the need for petroleum by 95% or more. Solutions abound, and have been proven viable by even state departments.

The problem is not that we run the water too long, or drive an SUV. The problem is that "the powers that be" define the technology that can be marketed to the masses.

Have you heard the story about the guy who invented a viable electric car DECADES before all this mattered, and he was assassinated?

Nicolai Tesla (the genius scientist that the hot new electric roadster is named after) borrowed money from the devil himself, JP Morgan, in order to build a structure that could generate electrical charge into the atmosphere sufficient to bring free electrical power to anyone, anywhere in the world. When old JP learned what he was financing he called the project to a halt and had it promptly dismantled and destroyed.

The wage-slave lifestyle is a waste of human potential. I don't care how much beer you still get to drink on the weekends, or how much ganja you smuggle into your lungs. What I care about is the fact that this whole game is a scam.

What I want to do is teach kids how to "jack into the system."

There are "money" systems that are super easy to learn. There are ways to build revenue streams, online or in person, that, when successful, provide a substantial income with a generous amount of freedom.

Corrina is 7. She can't even spell and she has her own blog. (www.markiding.com)

When she has some time on her hands she doesn't even think of the television. Video games and youtube don't thrill her. She goes straight for her blog. She checks her email - send her a message corrina (at) markiding .com. She asks me how to make it look more like the vision in her head. She thinks about ways she will eventually make money with her blog.

Just think of what these maps for how to "jack into the system" could do for a teenager who's WAY too smart for his highschool. Under the proper mentorship, these kids will go on to be the leaders of whatever field they choose. And through close bonds, will form mastermind alliances that can bring about the changes we need for this world to truly thrive.

How do we get them there?

Tune in next time ;-)
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