Most teachers are just grown up products of the same system and are so deep into it that most teachers either have no idea what their own true purpose in life is (I hardly believe that a teacher would tell you "my purpose is to brainwash hundreds of kids into consumer society drones") or they have no tools for consistently liberating children from this cycle of consumer socialization to a true realization of their inborn purpose. So, the cycle perpetuates itself in mass-unconsciousness.
(pardon me while I go puke out the window...)
One of the most important exercises I've ever done (and I have worked through it dozens and dozens of times over the last decade) is discovering and defining and deciding what my purpose is.
I learned it first from Michael Gerber in the E-Myth Mastery Academy - which is an entrepreneurial coaching program. He understands that, in order for a business to serve the entrepreneur's life, we must begin with what's in our heart first, then build the business around that clarity.
Michael Losier's book on the Law of Attraction walks us through a nearly identical exercise. Tony Robbins, and all the classic success gurus say pretty much the same thing. Seems there's a pattern here:
1.) Write down everything you DON'T want in your life
2.) Use that list to come up with clarity about what you DO want in your life
3.) Boil that down to the essence of who you are and what your life is all about
Why were you born?
10 words or less!
Hold this mantra as a compass. Something you never forget. If I come to your house at 3am and shake you awake and say, "WHAT'S YOUR PURPOSE?!!" you should spit it right out.
Do you have this clarity?
Well, I walked my 8 year old through this same exercise last fall and she came up with a list that's just as legit as anything an adult could conjure up. After all, it doesn't take a PhD to know what you want in life, and if you look a little deeper, to see where those wants are coming from.
Look closely at this picture, you can see her two separate columns...

What did she come up with?
"To love and take care of animals"
What's better than that!

So, here's where it comes into play, and the reason I'm inspired to post about this. Last week she demonstrated this on a handful of occasions:
1.) She rescued a baby bird from the playground at school
2.) She rescued a guinea pig that was to be "given a shot that would make him sleep until it was time for him to die"
3.) She rescued a baby chipmunk from the clutches of her cat Stella
4.) She captured a moth and brought it home, set it free in my bedroom and pet it good night by the lamp
5.) She gingerly carried around the snails she captured by the trainyard where we find em
6.) She does research on koalas and other animals at school...
And that's just ONE WEEK!!!
I applaud her for living her purpose and it settles into her psyche that she is fundamentally good and rooted in a core purpose that serves the world and makes her feel whole and complete.
It's an incredible thing.
I highly recommend it.
If you're a teacher or a parent who would like more information on how you can help kids discover their own Purpose in life, please contact me.
After all, my purpose is: To Enlighten the World!
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