What is Your Kid Ever Gonna Do Without an AUTO-RESPONDER?!!

What the heck is an Auto-responder, anyway?

It's when you enter your name and email address in the little purple form that pops up on a website and then immediately get an email message with your name in it.

There are all sorts of these things. I've had them as part of a text-messaging service I subscribed to (http://www.trumpia.com) that helped me promote social events at bars and clubs. You can have cool services like http://www.youmail.com set up customized voicemail messsages for every number you receive calls from.

The one I set up today is from a service called Aweber. And if I was smart I'd be putting in an Affiliate link right about now. But I'm getting tired of this computer business, so I'm letting it go.

You can test this new system out by entering your name and email in the purple box that pops up. If you closed it just refresh the page and wait 5 seconds.

When you get the email, please reply back to me with suggestions on how to improve the experience and the message I send. Your feedback really helps - so thanks in advance.

If you're reading this on facebook, click here to read the original blog and enter your email.

And start thinking about how to introduce your child to the idea of autoresponders. It's a tool they will use like a farmer uses tractors and ploughs. Give them the tools earlier while they have time to simply play with them, before it's a matter bankruptcy and starvation if they fail.

Maybe that's a little obscure for some readers, but marketers get it.



to see original post and all my social media links, visit: www.enlightenedchild.com
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